Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 13 (3) 2014
Year-round blueberry scorch virus detection in highbush blueberry
Elżbieta Paduch-Cichal, Maria Chodorska, Elżbieta Kalinowska, Beata Komorowska
blueberry cultivars, BlScV, DAS-ELISA, RT-PCR
Viral diseases are a worldwide problem of blueberry which a major limiting factor for production. A survey for Blueberry scorch virus (BlScV) by DAS-ELISA in various organs of highbush blueberry conducted from May 2010 to April 2011, showed the occurrence of these virus in cvs Bluecrop and Herbert, which showing virus-like symptoms. Samples of plant materials (bud flower, flower, leaf, bark) were collected individually from each highbush blueberry plant of every cultivar. It was established that the detection of virus of each the investigated bushes cvs Bluecrop and Herbert depended on the tested plant materials as well as the period in which the tests were performed. The effectiveness of the virus detection varied for the investigated cultivars. The presence of the BlScV was confirmed in leaves samples with specific primer pair which amplifies a 430 bp fragment of the 5’-proximal ORF I [RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp)].
Paduch-Cichal, E., Chodorska, M., Kalinowska, E., Komorowska, B. (2014). Year-round blueberry scorch virus detection in highbush blueberry. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 13(3), 3-11.
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