Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 13 (4) 2014     ISSN: 1644-0741
Diversity of the utility and biological value of fruits of some sweet pepper cultivars
Halina Buczkowska, Andrzej Sałata, Ewa Rożek
Capsicum annuum L., fruit quality, marketable yield, vitamin C
Consumer attractiveness and the usefulness for food processing of sweet pepper are determined by fruits quality values. The large weight, thick pericarp and intensive color at physiological ripeness as well as the share of pericarp to the fruit weight are most important. Such sweet pepper cultivars are now available in Poland. These cultivars are adopted to growing in less favourable environmental conditions and they reveal high stability. The aim of this study was evaluate the open field yielding and comparing the utility and biological value of fruits of seven sweet pepper cultivars adapted to growing under less favorable environmental conditions in terms of the fresh vegetables market usefulness for consumption and processing. The highest average marketable yield of fruits was achieved from ‘Caryca F1’ cv., which was larger in comparison to the yield of ‘Roberta F1’ and ‘Jova’ cvs. The yield of remaining cultivars was not significantly different from ‘Caryca F1’cv. Evaluated cultivars showed a great diversity in terms of their utility and biological value of fruits. The ‘Mino’ cv. was distinguished by the largest weight fruits while ‘Jova’ cv. by thick pericarp. The great weight of fruit, pericarp thickness and the great weight of edible parts of fruits was shown by ‘Caryca F1’ cv., while in a view of the assessed parameters of biological value the most L-ascorbic acid were contained ‘Roberta F1’, ‘Robertina’, ‘Corrida F1’ cv. fruits and the extract ‘Roberta F1’ cv. fruits.
Buczkowska, H., Sałata, A., Rożek, E. (2014). Diversity of the utility and biological value of fruits of some sweet pepper cultivars. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 13(4), 49-62.
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