Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 13 (5) 2014
Yield, morphological characteristics and nutritional value of new pseudostem – type cultivars of Japanese bunching onion
Katarzyna Adamczewska-Sowińska, Eugeniusz Kołota
Allium fistulosum L., crop quality, organic compounds, macronutrients
In cultivation of Japanese bunching onion as an annual crop harvested for bunches there is required to use pseudostem – type cultivars, with high rate of growth, rich in valuable phytochemicals. In a field study there was evaluated the yield potential, quality of the crop and nutritional value of the following pseudostem – type cultivars: Sprintesa, Parade, Performer, Ishikura Long White, Red Toga, Freedy and Totem. Kroll cultivar commonly recommended as a perennial crop grown for the use of cut foliage was recognized as the control. Seedlings produced in multicell trays were transplanted into the field on 19–22 April and harvested on 19–25 June, when majority of plants reached the pseudostem diameter > 10 mm. At harvest there were evaluated the yield size, morphological features of plants and content selected organic and mineral compounds. Most of the exammed cultivars appeared to be suitable for early spring growing for bunches, among which Parade produced the highest marketable yield and beside Sprintesa characterized the longest pseudostem as well as low nitrates content. ‘Kroll’ grown as annual crop for bunches produced yield similar to ‘Red Toga’ and ‘Freedy’, while significantly lower to the other examined cultivars. Its plants characterized by low mean weight and short pseudostem, but high amounts of potassium and low nitrates accumulation.
Adamczewska-Sowińska, K., Kołota, E. (2014). Yield, morphological characteristics and nutritional value of new pseudostem – type cultivars of Japanese bunching onion. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 13(5), 39-48.
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