Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 13 (1-2) 2014     ISSN: 1644-0741
Characteristics of types and selected utilization problems of boilers and stoves fired by different fuels
Piotr Nakonieczny, Paweł Artur Kluza, Grzegorz Tatar, Ryszard Bródka
stoves, boilers, biofuels, utilization
In the paper the review and comparative characteristics of coal, natural gas, fuel oil and biomass fired stoves and boilers with short combustion cycle and boilers fixed with automation and dosing system providing the operating without service during continues working was presented. Gas and oil boilers equipped in open and close combustion chamber with condensation and also multifuel boilers were analysed. Coal products fired boilers have various structures of combustion chamber, heat exchangers, air supply and exhaust fumes exits. Theirs efficiency is not high. Basic fuel in Polish energetics is hard coal in various assortment. For this reason the most amount of solutions for boilers was created thinking about using this fuel. Undoubtedly the most convenient are self acting natural gas boilers. Alternative is fuel oil ones. The new solution providing diversification of charging sources are mulifuel fired boilers, expensive and rare on our market yet.
Nakonieczny, P., Kluza, P., Tatar, G., Bródka, R. (2014). Characteristics of types and selected utilization problems of boilers and stoves fired by different fuels. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 13(1-2), 27-40.
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