Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 14 (2) 2015
Gene pool variation of Fragaria × ananassa (Duch.) and Fragaria vesca (L.)
Ewa Dziadczyk, Piotr Dziadczyk, Mirosław Tyrka
Fragaria, strawberry, gene pool, interspecific hybrid
Gene pool variation of twenty varieties and breeding clones of Fragaria × ananassa, nine varieties and breeding lines of Fragaria vesca, and one new interspecific hybrid designated Fragaria × anavesca was analysed with three DNA marker systems. ISSR reactions with four primers produced 45 polymorphic markers. Similarly, RAPD analyses with three primers produced 26 markers and SSR method with three primer pairs revealed 28 different alleles. The total number of 99 polymorphic markers allowed distinguishing clearly a group of F. × ananassa genotypes from that of F. vesca genotypes with F. × anavesca in between of these two. RAPD markers proved to be more informative than ISSRs as 3 of 26 were specific to F. × ananassa only and one exclusively to F. vesca and F. × anavesca. Thus, the presumed hybrid nature of F. × anavesca was effectively confirmed by RAPD markers. Especially important was the 1100bp long PCR product of the B104 primer present in all F. vesca genotypes as well as in F. × anavesca but absent in F. × ananassa. Presence of F. vesca DNA in the hybrid F. × anavesca was additionally corroborated by the 223bp product of the UDF017 primer pair and the 185bp-long band generated with the UDF006 primer pair.
Dziadczyk, E., Dziadczyk, P., Tyrka, <. (2015). Gene pool variation of Fragaria × ananassa (Duch.) and Fragaria vesca (L.). Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 14(2), 41-50.
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