Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 12 (1) 2013     ISSN: 1644-0741
Radosław Wrzosek, Przemysław Wrzosek
illegal money transfer, cash couriers, transnational organised crime, terrorism
The organised crime as a social and economic phenomenon already a long time ago crossed and still crossing national borders as well as legal boundaries. The range and scope of its activity is defined by the adjectives: cross-border, international. Criminal groups are increasingly obtain illegal incomes reaching the amounts of billions in different places around the world. The problem is how to transfer or move the illegal money to the recipients, beneficiaries or places further used by the criminals. The official and legal channels of transfers (banks, money remittances institutions) are effectively controlled by governmental and law-enforcement agencies, which mostly prevent their use by international criminals. In such conditions, organised crime starts to lead the transfer of funds directly using cash couriers carrying money to the designated location. The article describes the dealings of illegal, criminal cash transfers for the purposes of organised groups. The cases of disclosure of illegal transporting the money are described and bears with the details of the perpetrators modus operandi. The paper also contains activities and initiatives undertaken in order to detect and prevent the phenomenon of illegal transfer of funds from and intended for criminal activities. The authors draw attention to the possibility of using geospatial analysis in this area, the more the need to find new solutions to inhibit the flow of criminal money.
Wrzosek, R., Wrzosek, P. (2013). CASH COURIERS ALLIES OF CRIMINAL ORGANISATIONS AND TERRORISTS. Acta Sci. Pol. Administratio Locorum, 12(1), 93-105.
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