Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 2 (1) 2003
Analysis of the influence of liquid mass stream and the load of milkline of pipeline milking machine on the average vacuum for the milking phase in the teat cup
Danuta Skalska, Józef Szlachta, Adam Luberański
recorder milking machine, load coefficient of the milkline, average vacuum for the milking phase
Changes of average vacuum for milking phase in a teat cup of recorder milking machine was analysed. Analysis was conducted with 6 milking units working, installed one after another in front of measuring unit which was connected to milk tap most distant from receiver of milk line from branch (return line for washing is situated above the milk transfer line). In the article major influence of stream of liquid simulation of milking rate Qm and load coefficient of milkline Ko, being a total influence the stream of liquid and transient air admission on changes of average vacuum for the milking phase is shown. By full load of milking installation, with 6 milking units working, the decrease of vacuum at the teat end (by 21 kPa) is influenced by the decrease (by 16 kPa) of vacuum caused by stream of outflow of liquid (milk) Qm in measuring unit and the decrease of vacuum (by 5 kPa) caused by load of milkline Ko.
Skalska, D., Szlachta, J., Luberański, A. (2003). Analysis of the influence of liquid mass stream and the load of milkline of pipeline milking machine on the average vacuum for the milking phase in the teat cup. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 2(1), 75-87.
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