Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria
(Leśnictwo i Drzewnictwo) 15 (2) 2016
Katarzyna Kaźmierczak, Robert Korzeniewicz, Wojciech Borzyszkowski
diameter at breast height, height, volume, increment of diameter at breast height, height increment, volume increment, Pinus sylvestris
The aim of the study was to present the biosocial diversity of growth and increment of pines in the stand due to their tree position set with the use of Kraft’s classification criteria. 1 ha area of research was created in the pine stand on the fresh mixed coniferous forest with 402 pine trees where all the trees were numerated. From tables of random numbers, 6 numbers were selected which constituted the numbers of trees allocated for felling. Immediately before cutting, a biosocial position was set for each of these trees in accordance with the Kraft’s classification criteria. The diversity of trees was presented on the basis of a retrospective analysis of their growth and increment. The obtained results of the formation with age of height, diameter at breast height and volume, as well as the increase of these features in six randomly selected pines broadly confirm the previous studies. The dimensional and incremental features varied due to the biosocial position of a tree. Initially, the differences were small, they deepened with age. The culminations of growth and increase of diameter at breast height took place in the early life of trees. The growth and increment curves of the individual pines broadly crossed repeatedly until their 70 th year of life. The biggest differences were in volume and its increment. The culmination of the current increment growth was only at a tree representing the intermediate stand.
Kaźmierczak, K., Korzeniewicz, R., Borzyszkowski, W. (2016). BIOSOCIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF GROWTH AND INCREMENT OF 85-YEAR-OLD PINES. Acta Sci. Pol. Silv. Colendar. Ratio Ind. Lignar., 15(2), 73-78.
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