Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 3 (1-2) 2004
Problems of damage of grain in eight-drum threshing device
Andrzej Kornacki
Keywords: threshing and separating of grain, macrodamage, microdamage, multivariate analysis of variance, four way cross classification
This paper deals with the mechanical macro and microdamage arising in the process of threshing and separating of grain in combine harvester. In our study, data from experiment conducted on a stand with eight-drum threshing device were used. Because the macro and microdamage are evidently interdependent, so their separate investigation doesn’t give full image of the situation. Adequate tool of description of dependent features is the multivariate analysis of variance. (MANOVA). In this paper the two-variate model of the four way cross classification with interaction is used. Moreover we give the explicit form for some block matrices relating the particular effects and some projection operators. At the end we present multivariate analysis of variance and conclusions.
Kornacki, A. (2004). Problems of damage of grain in eight-drum threshing device. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 3(1-2), 3-10.
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