Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 4 (1) 2005
Visualisation of the continuous milk pasteurization
Henryk Juszka, Marcin Tomasik
milk, pasteurization, control, visualization
A concept for an automatic system controlling the milk pasteurization process was designed, together with the process visualization. The article presents short characteristics of the facility studied and the construction of the milk pasteurization line. An opportunity has been presented to modernize the control of the milk pasteurization line using a PLC controller. An application was prepared for computer visualization in the InTouch software by Wonderware®, which – together with the relevant software – will serve for supervision of the milk pasteurization process. In the event of breaching the critical values, it will launch an alarm and appropriate procedures preventing production of faulty goods. The automatic control system for the milk pasteurization line will allow for control of technological processes and maintenance. Furthermore, it will facilitate archiving of the process data and their analysis, at the same time facilitating use of the installation.
Juszka, H., Tomasik, M. (2005). Visualisation of the continuous milk pasteurization. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 4(1), 77-83.
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