Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 4 (1) 2005
Influence of soil application of biological and mineral fertilizers on the growth, yield, and fruit biochemical components of  ‘Charavnitsa’ apple, and on some agrochemical soil characteristics
Tamara V. Ryabtseva, Nadezhda G. Kapichnikova, Natalya A. Mikhaĭlovskaya
apple, growth, yield, fertilizers, biochemical composition
The six-year data of study of influence of soil application of biological and mineral fertilizers and their complex on the parameters of growth and cropping of apple variety Charavnitsa, budded on the semi-dwarfing 57-545 rootstock, were analyzed. It was found that application of biological fertilizers, the biological complex and the biological-mineral complex had a positive influence on parameters of growth of apple trees, the area of leaf plate and leaf area per tree as well as on mean fruit weight and fruit chemical composition. Application of mineral fertilizers had a negative effect on tree growth and yield. Application of various kinds of fertilizers did not affect the content or composition of pigments of leaves. Mineral fertilizers increased soil acidity and caused a slight increase of potassium, phosphorus and humus content. Application of biological products significantly lowered soil acidity to the optimum level for apple trees and considerably increased the contents of soil potassium, phosphorus and humus.
Ryabtseva, T., Kapichnikova, N., Mikhaĭlovskaya, N. (2005). Influence of soil application of biological and mineral fertilizers on the growth, yield, and fruit biochemical components of  ‘Charavnitsa’ apple, and on some agrochemical soil characteristics. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 4(1), 59-67.
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