Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Czasopismo naukowe założone w 2001 roku przez polskie uczelnie rolnicze

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 13 (6) 2014     ISSN: 1644-0741
Słowa kluczowe: produkcja świeżej i suchej masy, poziom IAA, Kelpak®, Pentakeep®-V, wstępny zabieg, wskaźnik zakorzenienia, wydajność roślin matecznych, Wuxal® Ascofol
Károly Hrotkó, György Végvári, Anna Sárvári, Zsuzsanna Németh, Veronika Szabó
Słowa kluczowe
Key words: fresh and dry mass production, IAA-level, Kelpak®, Pentakeep®-V, pretreatment, rooting rate, stockplant productivity, Wuxal® Ascofol
Abstract. The effect of Kelpak® biostimulator, Wuxal® Ascofol and Pentakeep®-V leaf fertilizers were tested on Prunus mahaleb L. ‘Bogdány’ stockplants. Shoot production and characteristics, rooting and quality of their cuttings were evaluated. Biostimulator and fertilizers were sprayed four times on leaves before cuttings were taken. The number and fresh masses of the shoots, cutting weights, leaf chlorophyll indexes (SPAD) and indole-3-acetic-acid (IAA) levels in shoot tip were measured on stockplants. Rooting rates, IAA--levels in the rooting zone of cuttings, fresh and dry masses of rooted cuttings, both weights of the root and shoot were measured. Based on these results Kelpak® pretreatment could be considered as the most effective in improving the productivity of Prunus mahaleb L. stockplants, leaf chlorophyll indexes and IAA-level in shoot tip of stockplant and in cutting base. The stockplant pretreatment by Kelpak® increased both the single shoot mass and consequently the fresh mass of prepared cuttings. While these pretreatments alone did not affect the rooting rate, the pretreatment of shoots by Kelpak® and Pentakeep®-V increased the dry mass production of cuttings during rooting. Kelpak® pretreatment affected the root dry mass positively, while Pentakeep®-V increased the shoot dry mass of rooted cuttings.
Hrotkó, K., Végvári, G., Sárvári, A., Németh, Z., Szabó, V. (2014). Słowa kluczowe: produkcja świeżej i suchej masy, poziom IAA, Kelpak®, Pentakeep®-V, wstępny zabieg, wskaźnik zakorzenienia, wydajność roślin matecznych, Wuxal® Ascofol. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 13(6), 113-125.
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